Pay landowners their shares


FOR the landowners of the Chuave to Kukbagl section of Okuk Highway in Chimbu Province, I acknowledge the report in The National newspaper dated Oct 21, 2019.
Led by our leader Thomas Bagle, we have fought in court for almost 12 years since the third quarter payment was done in 2007 for the destruction of properties due to the expansion and maintenance of this portion of road.
A total of K54 million was earmarked to compensate for these damages.
Three quarters of the payment done was hijacked along the way and never received by the poor people who have suffered the damage and loss.
As such, the remaining payment of K23 million has to be released to the people.
Apart from the loss we incurred, we continued to pay to renew investigation, assessment and valuation of properties to prove to the court and disputing parties of this matter and finally proved our case as genuine and deserving this payment.
We have been deprived for so long and now make a formal request to the relevant authorities to ensure that the last batch of payment be effected directly to our landowner association as an approved body to be the custodian and payee of this money to the members.
Out of sheer commitment, Bagle had led this association this far through bad and difficult times and thus would complete his work once each and every member of the association receives their dues.
On that note, we also demand to do away with the Highlands Highway and officially retain the name Okuk Highway in true courtesy to our great leader, the late Sir Iambakey Okuk.

Peter Togrot,
Kukbagl, Miunde Village