People do not value life, says Parkop


NATIONAL Capital District Governor Powes Parkop says the barbaric killings at Morata and Koki in the past week show that people do not have respect for each other and do not value human life.
“I am very disappointed that this type of barbaric killing continues to happen in our capital city and our country,” he said.
“This is something that doesn’t speak well for all of us.
“It shows low values and low attitudes that we are here to grow as a nation.”
Parkop said the most valuable thing in sucessful nation-building was valuing life itself.
“Life is a precious thing, it’s a gift and it’s a privilege and it is what that will enable us to build and secure a better future.
“If we do not respect life itself, then all the equation is wrong and for us to just take away life like that, it shows that we have got a long way to go.”
Parkop said violence and killing had become an everyday problem in the city and the country.
“Ethnic violence, tribal violence, tribal ethnic violence is still a big problem and our country cannot progress if we have this type of ethnic conflicts.”