PM must take action


DEAR Mr Prime Minister, there was some hype a few months ago about a multi-agency trip to Europe that cost K5 million.
It was all over the front pages.
Recently, you appointed your secretary Ivan Pomaleu as your special envoy to travel to Portugal on your behalf.
Accept my apology, I am not a man of high status, I am a simple man, so my words do not always come out the way they are intended.
I only want to do my job, earn my wage and look after my family.
My father had a district background and taught me that doing what is right should always outweigh those materialistic things that I think I want but don’t need.
On the day of departure, your secretary was sick and did not travel.
Having your HOD (head of department) not travel would have saved our country a lot of money, had he not sent his assistant to travel in his place.
Why was this allowed?
Our people are still walking for days to the nearest aid post in rural areas.
Our people are still dying in waiting rooms of city hospitals.
What must happen for us to see what is truly important?
I am ashamed of what this country has become but I do not blame any one man, it is all our responsibility, to work together to bring about the change we need.
You said you were going to take back PNG but the only place we seem to be going is backwards.
I hope your secretary is held accountable for this blatant misappropriation.
I hope you mean what you say and say what you mean.

Public Servant and Taxpayer