PM’s view challenged


IN congratulating Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and Government for quick appropriation of funds towards earthquake-affected areas, I would also like to challenge his views on bringing in foreign experts to investigate the cause of the earthquake.
Independently it can be agreed to the PM’s views that a third-party be engaged in the investigation process to put to rest rumours about oil and gas-related drilling being the one single
cause of this natural phenomenon.
In hindsight, this also questions the credibility of professional institutions and their capacity to provide technical expert
views regarding the subject matter.
The PM should engage University of Papua New Guinea’s Earth Ecience Department to run the investigation aided by outsiders, provided shortfalls of laboratory analytical apparatus or
equipment are faced by the department.
Many PNG geo-scientists and mining engineers are now managing mines in Australia, Africa and so on.
We have the skills and knowledge.
Our local Papua New Guinea geologists shouldn’t be overlooked.
This is a slap on the face for Professor Hugh Davies, the father of PNG geology, and all Papua New Guinea geoscientists
within Papua New Guinea and abroad.

Gideon Maim