PNG must advance its political system

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday, April 29, 2011

THE  essence of the problem faced by those who want change is that, to be successful in the long term, any Papua New Guinea political solution must be home grown.
That being so, the dilemma might be enunciated as: “Where do you get the experience in governing a country without experience?”
Clearly, with the benefit of hindsight, either the government structures bequeathed to the nation at independence were not suitable or those who took over were not sufficiently qualified.
If PNG wants to move forward, the question is how to achieve this.
Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare has gone on record to suggest PNG should “look north”.
Was this to thumb his nose at Australia?
Over the past decade, Australia’s assistance had made a number of false starts (read ECP especially among others) and PNG seems to be slowly learning from previous mistakes.
There are many people who know what to do and how to manage a country efficiently and effectively.
Many would have gladly helped if asked.
The crux of the issue is to have a parliament and prime minister which are accountable and serve the people in an apolitical manner.
Until the PNG political system advances past the “big man” complex, the current malaise of corruption appears to be en­trenched.


Paul Oates