PNG must salute Sir Tei Abal for his contribution

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday September 21st, 2015

 GRAND Chief Sir Michel Somare and Prime Minister Peter O’ Neill celebrated with the people of this nation 40 years of independence with its remarkable achievements in all sectors of development and also applauded leaders involved in setting the foundation for nationhood.

However, Somare and O’Neill never made mention of the call of an Engan patriot, late Sir Tei Abel, who was Opposition leader at Independence in 1975. 

The people of Enga were let down on this very important occasion when not a word was mentioned of Sir Tei and his contributions to nation-building.

Sir Michael, who pledged to lead the country to self-government and then to independence, must have deliberately omitted his “wan wara” in his speech in Wewak because during the colonial administration when Sir Tei was a ministerial member he tried to delay early Independence because he felt his Highlands compatriots were not ready. 

Sir Tei was the face of the Enga people until the time of his death and should have been acknowledged for contributing ideas and choices that would provide for the betterment of our country and people.Had leaders at that time agreed with him and allowed Australia to continue to develop our country and then seek self-rule, we would be in a better position to run our own country. 

Sir Tei’s argument brings us dreams of how well-educated and developed our society would be and most of our people would be literate and the entire population would be now living in a well-developed and managed country.

Had Sir Tei’s ideas been implemented, we would be like Hong Kong gaining self-rule from England in 1999 after being colonised for many, many years. 

Those who were going against this great Engan leader and voted to gain early independence are directly responsible for the destruction caused to our health, welfare and social security, law and order and the entire national infrastructure of this beautiful and rich country. 

May Sir Tei be remembered by every member of the failing generation of PNG and may God reward him for his contributions on this 40th anniversary.


Jerry Tandawai
