PNG needs a leader to inspire

Letters, Normal

THE cries of Papua New Guineans often go unheard. 
Past trends have shown that PNG’s current political regime will not change drastically.
We need a new progressive government after the 2012 elections that will totally transform the country.
Since Independence, government policies have not been regularly reviewed, updated and broadened with a view to counteract any misconceptions.
Its overall performance has been dismal. 
Our people are not united; our rate of unemployment and serious crime is high; we face serious health and environmental challenges; HIV/AIDS is spreading like wildfire; rural-urban migration is causing serious settlement problems; and the list goes on.
Many Papua New Guineans are fed up with the Government.
Its central agencies have failed to deliver and the people are suffering as a result.
Hence, a new political order is long overdue.
The new government must have a sound development strategy with a policy framework encompassing basic principles, goals and policies to encourage greater participation of the people and provide sustainable development.
We need a leader who can inspire Papua New Guineans to greater heights, someone who can encurage the people to work together with the government in a “contract with all citizens”.
The people want a government with strategies to target key areas that will sustainably grow the economy, create jobs and give full government support to small business houses. 
The people must start thinking whom they want to vote and the political parties know what they have to do if they want to form the next government.– Reginald Renagi Gabagaba-Kemabolo