PNG needs urban planning

Letters, Normal

THE urban population in the main centres of PNG is increasing rapidly.
The cause can be attributed to many factors but the obvious one is semi-educated and uneducated young people migrating from rural to urban centres in search of better living conditions.
We cannot stop rural-urban migration.
They are citizens of this country and have the right to move where they like.
We also cannot stop them from engaging in informal markets as they need money to survive.
They should not be evicted from the settlements and slums because they need a place to stay.
So how can we solve this problem?
We need to formulate a comprehensive urban plan that cater for all aspects such as land use, local economic development, social services, public utilities, urban infrastructure, urban environment and urban finance.
Financial decisions should be tied to urban plans and visionary leaders like Powes Parkop must provide the right type of political leadership. 


Vincent P
Via email