PNG not functioning as fully independent


IT is our 45th birthday but still we are still being told what to do and how to act by our colonial master.
The Australian government advisers and police liaison officers do nothing to encourage development.
They are taking us back to the days of the Rooney Affair raising the clash between the executive and judiciary.
We have more laws than many countries of our size and the most of these laws have no relevance to the most Papua New Guineans.
How many commissions of inquiries do we need to spend millions of kina on when the basic laws of the country cannot be enforced?
Why is our present health emergency a law and order issue?
How many betel nut bans and litter laws do we need to pass with no sign of enforcement?
There are road rules, registration rules, tax laws, company registration rules, and banking rules which are all aimed at helping us but we do not see any good result.
Australian aid is no different to those of other countries.
Are our laws relevant? Are they worth the money they cost to draft and legislate them?
What is their purpose?
Are we not entitled to get a return out of this investments?
Have the laws become vehicles for corruption to serve only the privileged?
We know about the roadblocks, spot fines but where is the enforcement?
Is there a line up at Vulupindi Haus where infringement notices are being paid?
I think not.
Why do I continue to see not roadworthy PMVs and taxis swerving around like racing cars with no masks on?
Why do I see betel nut markets, roadside barbecues and stores with no regard for public health and safety?
Are taxpayers paying for fat police to sit around chewing the very product (betel nut) that is banned?
It is about time we change the way we think and start being serious about serving our people with love and pride.
We should be focused on taking back PNG from the colonial masters.

Manu Marikina, Via email

One thought on “PNG not functioning as fully independent

  • We have to take back PNG by making it a better place for ourselves to live in by changing the way we think and our attitude.

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