Police: Three alleged sorcerers hung after forced confession


THREE women in the Tulum village of the Karinz local level government (LLG) area of Mendi, Southern Highlands, were accused of sorcery, hung and forced to take responsibility of the death of a young man, police say.
Police commander Chief Supt Martin Lakari said police arrived at the scene of the incident and told what had happened.
He said while the women were hanging, the perpetrators (the women’s biological brothers and relatives) demanded they confess and admit to practising sorcery which led to the death of their youngest after a short illness.
He said the women admitted to performing sorcery that led to the death of their youngest brother and the perpetrators released the women.
Chief Supt Lakari said a local councillor intervened and arranged transportation of the traumatised women to Pilimp village which was 9 km away from Tulum.
“The three women are now safe and sound,” he said.
“We can’t rely on the admission made by these women as they were under extreme pressure.
“The women in fear of torture and death admitted to committing sorcery which is just a belief held by factions of the society.
“Police still regard this (hanging of the women) as a criminal offence and attempted murder case and are investigating it.
“We will not let this go.
“We will arrest those responsible and charge them.”
Chief Supt Lakari said if the women had refused to admit committing sorcery, they would have been tortured and killed.
“I urge the people of Southern Highlands to stop the sorcery-related violence,” he said.
“It is about time the communities take ownership and report this.”


  • Is sorcery real?? Can the police investigate these ladies??
    I believe it is real in the society at large, a law should be made in png to protract these type of people.
    If not there will be more tortures in many parts in the country.

    • Sorcery is superstition. You must be really stupid, dumb and ignorant to believe that it is real.

  • Sorcery is only a belief. It is not true. Nothing eats or gets into your body. How on earth can that happen? I for one do not believe in sorcery, had remained and will remain like this forever. I believe in my Lord, my God and he cares for me. Believe in the Lord, our God and nothing sorcery related will happen to you. Stop the unnecessary fear of sorcery in the communities. Churches are not doing enough to eradicate sorcery. There is a sorcery related law and it needs to be polished. Community members need to report sorcery related torture at its earliest instant. Churches, police and the communities must work together to eradicate sorcery in our communities.

  • Sorcery is the work of the devil. These poor human beings don’t know they have been possessed by the devil. The devil is driving them to do what they are doing. The devil is spirit. They torture and kill the poor human beings But not the devil. The devil leaves the person and enters another, and so the cycle continues. So the question now is: How do you totally and completely get rid of the evil spirit that is driving the person? We need a spiritual solution to this sorcery problem. We need God’s Holy Spirit to drive the evil spirits out of people. We cannot enact laws to control the sorcery problem. All our attempts will come to futility. People need to be filled with God’s Holy Spirit. The answer is found in the Bible: John 3:3-5. God’s Holy Spirit is received at the waters of Baptism like what Jesus Christ did. Matthew 3:16-17. I used be a vessel of the devil before but after I have gone through the process in the above quoted scripture; what a wonderful experience and a relief it has been for me. You have to experience it to believe it. I’m saying this from experience. May God Bless and Protect PNG from Covid-19.

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