Politicians challenged


ALLOW me space to challenge those politicians who are justifying that it is their people’s wishes for them to change the government midway through a vote of no confidence is rather pathetic and against the spirit and the intend of poll results at the end of 2017 National Elections.
That wish whatever should be exercised by the people in 2022 and not be abused to cause political instability and chaos by those who have been elected.
Many manufactured lies by so called learned people will hold back the country’s progress into stagnation.
No past governments have been seriously looking at public investments into infrastructure to open up the country to create domestic and global opportunities for a population growth of 3.5 per cent per year while over 60,000 young people coming out of the education system each year have to fall back opportunity on a salaried job or self-employment .
Nearly up to 100 per cent of countries have huge debt financing to keep their economies out of recession and no cheap arguments will ever stand against compelling evidences.
As elected leaders you are not supposed to be a follower but to stand in your principles and conviction rather than entertaining anyone’s ear say or self-interest.

Galaxy Spencer