Poor literacy demands government attention, says missionary


A LOCAL missionary who has been conducting adult literacy trainings in Nipa in the Southern Highlands says that poor levels of literacy are demanding immediate government attention.
Felix Kepi said literacy has been the main struggle for most people in the country leading to a steady rise in the number of students dropping out.
“Such programmes like adult literacy should be given prominence because it will act as a bridge to those who have been outside the education system for too long,” he said.
Kepi said there may be social and security reason that were forcing people, especially children, to stay away from school.
“But it is our duty as educated citizens to ensure that our children get the basics of language right so that they do not confuse themselves,” he said.
Kepi said the previous outcome-based curriculum has created confusion for the people.
“Elementary students are taught in either tok pisin or their local vernacular and then when they enter lower primary they are taught in English,” he said.
He said that created a problem for students to comprehend English and to speak well and write well because they were not taught in English at the early learning stages.
“That is why this country needs to support adult literacy so that adults can be corrected and eventually, they will correct their children.”