Poor on our own land


WHO owns the land and natural resources in Papua New Guinea?
Are Papua New Guineans prisoners in their own land?
Do some corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, and public servants sees PNG as their private financial institution where they can feed their greed?
Alternatively, do illegal and few legal aliens operating in the country under the name of “investment” and “creating job opportunities” own the country?
Who owns the country?
The poor and struggling people of PNG have been and are still calling for “equal distribution of wealth”, “good leadership”, “a no to forms of corruption”, and “serve the public’s interests”.
Despite all those efforts, many power hungry and money lovers have been and are still doing the opposite.
Educated liars using their knowledge and understanding to bend laws and overlook the public’s interests to serve theirs and their cronies interests.
Without fear and favour, I would say that we have many wolves in sheep’s clothing running this nation pretending that they are serving the people’s interests.
In the dark, they meet and discuss greedy deals on how to get this and that.
Before their people and on media, they would say good things; promote themselves as God-fearing leaders, and trying their very best to protect their reputation and earn trust and loyalty.
Let me say this.
If any.
I would say again, if any.
If any elites of this nation is making secret evil deals with foreign nationals to secretly and illegally reap away the wealth of the poor suffering people of PNG, we had enough of that.
Our generations are still coming.
We the young people are concerned about the future of our nation and of our children and their children.
It seems that many elites of this nation are too attached to greedy foreign nationals.
They follow their demands and boom, the project started.
Everybody benefits.
Elites of this nation, please, change.
You can have the knowledge and understanding on politics, economy and whatnot, but if you do not fear God and have His wisdom, you are just another alien.
You would not be serving your people’s interests.
A call to Papua New Guinean elites.
Reconsider your people’s interests and run this nation.
Stop or do not be a modern slave and betraying your very own people.
Transform that mind-set you have. We need patriotic elites.

Abel ToPidik Rudolf