Popularity contest


The tussle continues.
The job of getting out information and update to the public on the coronavirus in the country is now a tussle between the Health Minister Jelta Wong and the Police Minister Bryan Kramer.
With coronavirus being a ticket agenda, fame seeking Kramer cannot wait to allow the opportunity to carve himself a name slip pass.
He started off with a mistake by giving wrong information to the country by declaring the first suspect case as negative which was later confirmed to be a positive case.
Kramer had to blame someone to save face but he blamed the PNG Medical Research Institute for inconsistencies in the test results.
But that couldn’t hold water so he diverted attention to a different subject and went on to discuss the legality of the state of emergency.
The Health Minister is even no better.
He started off on a streak of misinformation with his haphazard probable and possible case analysis putting everyone in an unnecessary panic and anxiety mode.
It was his incompetence that paved way for the conniving and manipulative Kramer to snake in.
Now who shall we take it from, Kramer or Wong?
Updating the country on vital statistics on an epidemic that is decimating economies and putting the world to its knees should not be left to the mediocre that is turning all this into a popularity contest.
Replace the health minister with someone from the medical background such as Elias Kapavore, Dr Tom Lino or Sir Puka Temu.
