Potape brings news of joy

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday July 17th, 2013

 FRANCIS Potape’s initiative to offer bigger and better free quarry services to Peri-Yangali road is greatly appreciated. 

On behalf of several village chiefs and the people of Peri-Yangali, I would like to thank him for being kind to those helpless people who had been living in the darkness for all most 36 years. 

It is a privilege to see that hand tools such as spades, bush knives, axes and digging sticks which had been used to work on the road will no longer be needed. 

Not only that,  such service delivery will undoubtedly reduce the persistent fighting between the Lenapini and Hambuali tribes. 

It will allow police to get into the area quicker than before.

This will linger in the hearts and mind of the people through the ages.


Via email