Prioritise education


NO one can live without breathing air.
Likewise, no one can live without having being educated in this 21st.
It is difficult to depend entirely on parents.
They cared for you during childhood, now that you are grown up, you should live an independent life.
Therefore, it’s better to choose and treat education carefully.
Do not mess around when it comes to study.
Those who had left school for some reason, it’s not too late.
Some forget that education is their future.
Many have foregone their education for something else.
For instances; sports, employment, business, music, boy/girlfriend, marriage and list goes on and on.
But one can still complete his/her education.
I have read many articles of those who threw away education for something else and are now living with regrets.
The Bible supports education.
In Proverbs 4:13 Good News Translation (GNT); “Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life – guard it well”.
Prioritise your choices when it comes to education.
One day you will not regret by choosing education apart from something else.

Albert Peter Alo