Protect govt assets


IT may be prudent at this time for the good minister and treasurer to start a major audit of state assets in particular the expropriation of state owned motor vehicles.
Millions are looted annually by the expropriation and direct theft of state assets more immediately motor vehicles.
Many government agencies are losing millions of kina each year with this systematic theft.
New and second hand vehicles are purchased and registered under civilian registration, then passed onto family members and relatives with total impunity.
These vehicles are then put on hire to the state, so in effect the state is hiring its own vehicles from these thieves.
I am aware of a number of vehicles which have been stolen by public servants and hired to the very department that purchased them.
Public Transport Board (PTB) is the only state entity which should be purchasing and managing the state vehicle fleet.
It seems this system has been corrupted as many of the systems to manage state assets.
It is also a requirement for anyone driving a state owned vehicle to have a government licence/permit.
Any basic audit will find that this procedure is not followed.
I am surprised that the Road Transport Authority (RTA) who crow every day about what they do have not identified these breaches. I think it’s high time Papua New Guineans start to report to the Police and state enforcement agencies the theft and expropriation of these vehicles.

Mangi Balimo,
Boroko NCD