Protect sex workers


PROSTITUTION is not a new in our societies.
It is the oldest profession as history tells us.
Prostitution remains unregulated and not commercialised because of its nature.
We cannot legalise prostitution because it will be a gross insult to our Christian values.
We have biblical proof that supports us as a Christian nation so we cannot legalise prostitution in PNG.
The only option is to create protection laws to protect those involved in prostitution.
Protection laws do not give rights but protect people engaging in prostitution from violence and abuse from clients and those who may have anything against them.

Hanam Bill Sandu


  • Hanam Bill Sandu you lack understanding here with your paradoxes. When you are protecting the prostitutes, you are directly (not indirectly) supporting the prostitutes to take that to the next level. There are better ways to earn a living then being a prostitutes.

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