Provide treatment kits for patients


I URGE the responsible authorities to improvise proactive symptomatic treatments as the basis to suppress the effectiveness of the Covid-19 in the country.
By now, the total global death toll for the Covid-19 stands over 665,000 from the 16.9 million people infected since the outbreak began.
There is enough basic information out there from the worst-hit countries to help PNG improvise a second line of defence given the limited beds for the Covid-19 admissions.
Sample autopsies done on the Covid-19 victims show blood clots, meaning that precautionary pretreatment of an anticoagulant is not an option with antibiotics to fight infections.
If not, many with other existing medical conditions will have an uphill battle if symptoms are not treated.
There is an urgency for health authorities to pack a standard seven days symptomatic treatment kit consisting of paracetamols and antibiotics ever ready at clinics and hospitals for those who show common cold and fever symptoms.
