Put an end to compensation


IN the name of compensation, tribal fighting has been promoted in the remote parts of the Highlands, especially in Kagua-Erave.
We can contribute to settle issues for peace and normalcy in our communities but we cannot continue to support human beings who think and act as animals.
Our villages are surrounded by churches and there are pastors who pray and preach peace in every villages in Kagua-Erave.
Contributing for compensation is a cargo cult idea and the communities have to identify the real culprit and work together with police and make arrests. More lives and more properties are damaged every year and that is is reflecting an animal behaviour.
I don’t like the idea of compensation.
We are not animals, God has fearfully and wonderfully made us to love and care for each other and protect the environment and animals.
It is time to become more responsible human beings.

Francis Boso
Koali Lombo Village