Put out school fee structure


IT is January 2020 and school year is approaching.
The government has slashed TFF policy with parents to pay 37 per cent of the approved school fees structures.
It is unclear whether the government will set the approved school fees structure or will it (structure) be set by respective school boards or provincial education boards.
This needs to be made clear so parents would start to prepare.
Parents have no issue paying school fees with the sustenance expenses to keep their children through the school years.
No issues but think again.
Imagine a family unit with five or seven children to support – from elementary to secondary schools.
Are there any relief formula for such category of parents?
Educating a nation is a national calling because at the end, one will pay taxes to the state from cradle to the grave.
For example, my parents paid my school fees.
When I started working in the formal sector, I think I may have paid nearly K700,000 in taxes over the 35 years of my working life.
IRC records indicate that I have paid nearly K650,000 over the 17 years with Oil Search Ltd.
So, my friends, educating a nation is a state responsibility.
However, if the state is unable, then let’s share the burden.
But is there any relief policy for burdened parents with more than one child?
Let’s be realistic and put on our thinking caps.
Looking forward to 2020 school year.

Yapi Akore,
Kagua-Erave, SHP