Query over Nasfund withdrawal


I am currently on partial withdrawal after membership withdrawal was not approved by Nasfund.
With the case of two other contributors from Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB) and Aitape, who wrote to this page, I am now convinced that Nasfund has led me into similar strategy.
The contributors from Aitape and AROB both contributed for over 30 years and are still on partial withdrawal after 12 months.
My employer released me from active employment on medical redundancy.
I agreed to stay away from any form of employment and concentrate on my health condition.
I furnished three independent medical reports and clinical histories, with various other documents, to prove validity and requirements to process the withdrawal application.
However, all my efforts to meet Nasfund requirements were not accepted. I applied twice for withdrawal but was not approved.
There are arguments that Nasfund need to take serious considerations.
l Why does Nasfund deliberately deny contributors from membership withdrawal?
l who owns the savings, custodian of contributor? and,
l How best will partial withdrawal help contributors go into effective SME business concept when out of formal employment, while continue depleting member savings on partial withdrawal?
Refer to contributor from AROB – his message to Nasfund was: though he was denied from withdrawal, he can still venture into small business with partial withdrawal.
On his future business success, he would never get his employee on membership with Nasfund.
A general message is now sent to all contributors of over 10 years of service to be very mindful on Nasfund contributors’ withdrawal concept.
Don’t be the next victim like some of us now.
Those of us in this situation don’t pay staff some good money for them to approve our application.
We don’t know anyone in the system who can assist us.
This is the opening of poor management, which has been concealed for years.
I wish to see someone in Nasfund with honesty in his/her employment to step in and clear off incompetency and ill-minded attitudes within Nasfund.

Distressed Contributor