Recognise women

National, Normal

The National – Tuesday, June 14, 2011

THE hard work women do to feed and keep their families together must be recognised, Evangelical Lutheran church national women’s desk coordinator Lakele Tetac said.
Tetac said too often women, especially in rural areas, stayed behind the scene, despite being heavy burdened by daily chores.
“Most husbands think they perform the best as head of the family but at times misinterpret and mistreat wives and daughters without realising the crucial roles and responsibilities women play,” she said.
Tatec was speaking at a week-long women and culture conference at Tipusinap village, Kaia­pit circuit in Markham district, Morobe.
She told the 350 women there that despite the many good characteristics of local culture, “men misinterpret their roles and responsibilities”.
“Women and men are equal and should live together and work side by side, discussing and sharing knowledge and skills, including family affairs,” she said.
“We can no longer turn a blind eye to the hearts of our women as they are no longer slaves in our homes.
“Their rights need to be respected,” Tetac said.
Church stewardship coordinator Pr Dawa Kale said men and women needed to live together peacefully and in harmony to create a paradise in each home.
“Family home is where our soul is kept and everything begins and ends in family homes,” he said.
“Homes shape and mould one’s being to become who he or she is.
“That is when men and women recognise and understand each other’s values and qualities,” Kale said.