Rescind appointments


I AM a longtime resident of Mt Hagen though I’m from another province.
I would like to comment on what my member William Duma said during the swearing in of the Mt Hagen city board members and programme managers.
He said Mt Hagen does not belong solely to the tribes living around the city but everyone living in the city.
This statement was hypocritical of him because all the board members sworn in and the programme managers, who signed their contracts, were his cronies who were Western Highlanders who do not even live in the city.
If the city belong to everyone, than some of the board members should have come from people from other parts of the country.
There are capable people from other provinces who can sit on the board and there are also qualified people who can be programme managers.
The overlooking of people from other provinces is a slap in the face for people, especially from the ward one and two of Mt Hagen urban LLG, who have been his die hard supporters through thick and thin.
We the boys are not happy with this and are asking our MP to rescind some of the appointments. Appoint some people from town.

Give back Hagen
Mt Hagen City