Resignation shows selfish ambition


THE recent resignation of Parliament speaker from the People’s National Congress party clearly shows that his selfish ambitions have outweighed his reasons to remain in the seat.
Power, perks and privileges have blinded politicians that they cannot remember how they got in initially.
The resignation of the speaker was not a surprise to many in the parliament, country and Manus.
As a leader of true integrity, he should have resigned as the speaker and followed his party members.
Among all the speakers in the past and present, Sir John Guise and Bernard Narokobi have been the servants of the people.
They went in with nothing and came out with nothing.
Leadership is not about personal glorification but personal integrity that many leaders today have fall short of their oath of service.
The father of India, Mahatma Gandhi who was a Hindu said after attending a Christian church service: “I believe this man Jesus Christ and his teachings but I don’t like how Christians behave”.

True Melanesian Alliance Follower