Respect village names


Works Secretary David Wereh on Monday made reference to Okiufa which is not correct.
The correct name is Asaroyufa.
Asaroyufa and Okiufa are totally different tribes of people in the Goroka district, hence, must be properly addressed. In relation to the highway road slip that occurred, the road section concerned is in Asaroyufa village which is going through the first phase of repair by a contractor.
The customary landowners, the Asaroyufians, have never been paid their compensation demands by the government.
This issue has been prolonged for 53 years.
The Asaroyufians, customary landowners of the section of the highway concerned, are one very understanding people to allow for the repair to go ahead.
Therefore their village name must be respected.

Apo Garanumutoka