Revive districts business arms


SOME districts and provinces need to create its business arms or revive it to generate revenues.
The District Development Authority Act, come into play purposely to enable districts to venture into business.
While some provinces and districts have established their business arms like Western Highlands (Wap Na & Co), East New Britain Business Development Corporation, Eastern Highlands Rubia Coffee and Yangrou Saussia Agro Farm and have been successful.
While millions have been deposited through Waigani Integrated Financial Management System, DDAs and provincial governments have to consider this.
Going into business generates:

  • INVESTMENT opportunities in the host province;
  • CREATE employment opportunities for people in rural areas;
  • BEING self-reliant from depending the government yearly budget allocations;
  • GENERATING extra stimulus package for districts and provincial governments budget deficits ;
  • ENCOURAGE more people to engage in spin-off economic benefits;
  • SUPPORT shortfalls in internal revenue to provide vital services in the areas of health and education;
  • PROVIDING the economic environment by inviting investors;
  • UNDERSTANDING how to be prudent in management and opportunities in corporate management and investments; and,
  • DIVERSITY economics in business opportunities in agriculture, tourism, or real estate.

While these are some of the opportunities that business activities can provide, in actual fact districts and provinces are not serious enough to actually engage in it.
Some provinces and districts have the opportunity but it depends on leadership and management skills.

Morris Samuga