Revolution is inevitable for change, prosperity

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday July 20th, 2012

OVER the past four to six weeks, there have been many concerns over recent government changes that occurred prior to the elections.
This has both directly and indirectly influenced the choices our voters made in electing the country’s next leaders.
Even eligible voters, who neglected to vote in the past, made every effort to go to the polls and have their say hoping to see change and prosperity.
I believe most people would agree that change and prosperity are what this nation really needs.
This nation will only prosper if it undergoes a complete change in every aspect and we have been  gi­ven a rare opportunity to do so.
As a proud citizen who was
born and educated in this country,
I have great respect for our lea-
ders who led us to independence.
However, since then, PNG has undergone very little growth, with nothing much to show for its sovereignty.
We cannot continue to put our faith in a movement that has clearly proven to be incapable of change.
It may be true to say that they are more experienced and therefore better qualified to lead.
Nevertheless, we cannot rely solely on experience to lead this nation forward in a world that is changing at a very fast rate.
PNG has continuously struggled to keep up with the world in terms of economic growth, social welfare, sports and many more since its independence.
We need a government that is not afraid to fight for change, a government with a whole new perspective on issues, one that is able to unite us and most importantly, one that is able to make sacrifices for the greater good.
PNG will have to go through a revolution whether it likes it or not.
It is a stage that every developing nation has and will have to go through to be independently strong and prosperous.
Of course, in doing so, we are faced with possibilities of many hardships, but that would only make us stronger.
I personally saw a chance for such change in the O’Neill-led government.
I hope that he and a majority of young, fearless patriots are given the mandate to lead us.
