School enrolment stressful


ACADEMIC enrolment at this time of the year is stressful for both parents and teachers.
What most parents and the public may not be aware of is the stink and rot in grade 9 and 11 enrolments in all government and agency schools.
There are always three lists: official government list, landowner’s list and teacher’s list.
The official list is merit-based from the national examinations results.
It comes out publicly.
The other two lists are done during the enrolment period and are often argued as privilege spin-off benefits for landowners and teachers.
These lists contains their relatives and wantoks who have not made the cut-off mark to continue.
Cunning people who are aware of this practice buy up these spaces from the two parties.
The worst part is that the BOG (board of government), school administration and church agencies submit and accept it, making
this corrupt practice seem acceptable.
The practise affects the quality of teaching in terms of time spent in teaching a subject.
That slows the rate at which topics are covered and content that is taught.
Often, teachers will teach what is required without regards for the underperformers in the class.
Further, these window hoppers often stir trouble in the schools.
The practise affects the school’s operation in regards to disciplinary cases.
Teachers and parents need to speak out against this practice in the staff, parents and citizens and BOG meetings.
