School eyeing more improvements to infrastructure


THE Timon Ombialu High School in Imbonggu district, Southern Highlands, is looking forward to the new school year and more improvement in its infrastructures.
It was one of the high schools that ended the school year successfully and graduated 272 students last December while other schools closed early due to problems associated with the national election.
School chairman John Molumi said the school has money to start the year while waiting for the first batch of the tuition fee-free (TFF) funds.
Molumi said for every school in the rural areas to be successful, it needed the combined efforts of teachers, board of management and the surrounding communities.
“Setting your priorities as a school management team is key to the successful running of a school, improvement in infrastructure and high output academically,” he said.
Molumi said one thing that hindered the progress of schools was the habit of borrowing money from locals who charged high interest rates.
Schools borrowed money for operational expenses when TFF funds were not released on time.
Molumi said Timon Ombialu High School has stopped borrowing money and this resulted in the successful running of the school and a good amount of money carried forward for this year’s operations.
“My concern is the performance of the students academically. Teachers and the community have a duty to perform and that is to work together to improve the school facilities that affect behaviour, engagement and growth,” he said.
The Buiebi Correctional Service, located near the high school, was happy that some of its inmates graduat from the school and some would be enrolled this year.
Acting jail commander Senior Inspector Bob Omba said he was happy that one of the inmates, who graduated last December, would be doing grade nine at Mendi Day Secondary School and was looking forward to enrol others.
He said the high school and the prison were the only two important government institutions in the district and people respected and supported them.