Screen local contractors, says ENB’s ToBaining

National, Normal

The National, Wednesday 03rd April 2013


EAST New Britain governor Ereman ToBaining Jr has called on the provincial government and  administration to properly screen local contractors before awarding them contracts to fix roads.

He said in Kokopo yesterday that it was important for contractors to go through the provincial supplies and tenders board and a proper screening should be done on their company profiles and their ability to handle big projects before they were awarded the contracts.

“I want contractors to undergo a very good screening procedure by the provincial government and must meet all necessary requirements before they are awarded contracts,” ToBaining said.

He said there had been concerns that contractors involved in road works in ENB were not doing a good job.

ToBaining, a road engineer with more than 15 years of road building experience, said he wanted the best roads built in the province, those that will  last long.

ToBaining said contracts should be awarded only to reputable and competent engineering companies.

He said so much public funds had been used to build and maintain new roads but road conditions did not seem to improve.

He also challenged companies involved in building roads to “lift their game”.

“Every month, every year, similar situations arise during heavy rains and contractors involved do not seem to improve their techniques in building roads,” ToBaining said.