Security priority for provincial government, says Undialu


SECURITY in Hela is the province’s number one priority costing its government K6 million annually.
Governor Philip Undialu said the provincial government was taking full responsibility of ensuring the law and order sector was addressed through financial support, infrastructure, manpower and logistics.
The provincial government is taking responsibility through:

  • Building Paipali PNG Defence Force forward operating base;
  • Reopening of Hawa Correctional Institute;
  • Funding construction of eight judicial compounds;
  • Getting the provincial police structure approved and implemented;
  • Facilitating district court circuits at Koroba, Komo and Kopiago; this month, additional magistrate will be appointed;
  • Province-wide peace mediation. About 200 peace mediators assembled and doing peace settlement;
  • Police capability building. Five vehicles were provided but most have been involved in crashes and damaged by drunk officers. Therefore, additional vehicles will only bought and given to the incoming provincial police commander; and,
  • Engagement of PNGDF soldiers. Hela government spends nearly K500,000 a month on allowances alone.

“What is needed in Hela is attitude change,” Undialu said.
“People need to go out and see other provinces progressing without the presence of guns and tribal fights. If we all can say no to tribal fights, bring back all guns, report all manner of crimes to police and allow rule of law to dictate, we can change our place for the better.”