Send families back to villages


THIS is partly related to the editorial ‘Do something about the street kids’ on Sept 27.
As a settlement dweller, I’d like to give facts and share reality.
Those kids you see hanging around especially Downtown (Port Moresby) controlling traffic and loitering, most come from normal and undivided families.
It’s the mindset that’s wrong. The problem is this village people mentality of ‘life will be better if we go live in POM city’.
The solution is to find out where these kids families are and have them all sent back to their villages to help develop it.
Housing in Port Moresby is expensive and settlements are for low income earners. Instead it is filled with those families who expect donations.
That is why most criminals are bred in settlements.
There should be a body to do ground research, find out about these non-income earning families and have the government send them back to their villages.
PNG will continuously be in financial chaos and hardly will have money to rehabilitate aimless kids and parents.

Rex Laika
Joyce Bay, POM