Senior officers complete leadership, management training


SIX senior officers from the Teachers’ Savings and Loans Society Ltd (Tisa) have completed a six-month leadership and management training programme.
Group chief executive Michael Koisen said the importance of the training was to build leaders for the business and to maintain continuity in the sector.
“One of your greatest responsibilities as leaders is to train your subordinators to become leaders as well. Half your job is done when you produce leaders within your team,” he said.
The participants expressed their appreciation to Tisa management and HR team for selecting them for the training which they described to be more in-depth from what had known and practised.
Manager for IT operations Joe Kudada said they learnt the distinction between being a leader and being a manager.
“Both skill set are equally important and will need to complement each other to bring about success,” he said.
Fellow participant Elijah Meakoro said he learnt that leadership was critical in translating the vision mission statement and applying it to the staff who then created a work culture for the organisation.
“In order to achieve this, one would have to understand the objectives of the organisation and where the institution is heading,” he said.
Training was provided by the Australia-Pacific Training Institute (APTI) and the six officers graduated from with a level-four Certificate in Leadership and Management.
In embarking on its leadership training programme, the society has selected APTI to take the lead in conducting its classroom and practical training courses.