Senior officers must pass on knowledge


IN a private enterprise or employed in a public sector, the phenomena of disseminating skills, knowledge and sharing of experience to others before you is healthy than keeping unto yourself.
Hence, the saying goes, there are treasures in the grave yard but cannot be retrieved at all. Which means every human being will pass on or leave what you are currently doing at one point of time and that would obviously place a gap or vacancy.
The question is who is going to carry on from there?
The onus is on the seniors and so called old dogs in the profession to think and act maturely to disseminate what is due and significant to new and junior officers who are enthusiastically able to bring forth the ministry to the next chapter and dimension.
As a concern officer just recruited to a reputable government office, it is totally disgusting and discouraging to see ignorance and noticing colleague and aging officers working in isolation.
Stop being a coward and barrier to the flow of the system.
Remember, you don’t own the system, you being just the contributor to the system.
Importantly we are just custodians to the chair we occupy; it is not given to you by birth.
On fine day you will be elevated, move on or passes on so make a duty to share and show the one who is coming after you, for there should be logic in what we do, and remember we are here for a while tomorrow we are gone.

Jimmy Kontualie 
Nine Mile – Swamp, NCD