Share responsibility


TO clear out the confusion from Yuriyal Dia Nen Ido in The National (Feb 8), educating a child is a shared responsibility.
Tuition Fee Free component is for free riders sponsored by the Government through tax payers’ contributions.
Project fees are an agreed component to be paid by parents for specific projects in a parents and citizen meeting.
This is what most schools in Western Highlands are doing.
To date the Education Minister has not explained to the nation and the parents where he is parking 30 per cent of the infrastructure component and the 30 per cent of the stationery component of TFF.
Can you explain if you have some idea?
If whereabouts of these funds are not made clear to the parents and are not given to schools, then we as parents must take some responsibility.
We, as Western Highlanders, wish to develop our schools and the province.
If you do not belong to this province you should go back to where you are from.
If you are a Western Highlander and using a fake name, then that is a shame.
We can afford little project fees to develop our schools.
Why can’t you put your contribution?
Our Government is struggling with cash flow.
Western Highlanders: We will not go poor by paying little project fees. Let us do what is best for our kids in our schools in Western Highlands.

True/Indigenous Western