Siassi island fisherman calls for support from Morobe govt


A GROUP of fishermen from the Siassi Island of Morobe has called on the provincial government and authorities to support them.
Fogerson Fishing Group spokesman Felix Fozeye said people in the small islands of Siassi had only one source of income – fishing. Fozeye said they needed a reliable shipping service and facilities to help them sell, buy, store and supply fish.
He told The National at the Lae Fish Market last Thursday that the fishermen needed the support of the government.
“The challenges faced by local fishing communities are beyond their capacity,” he said.
“Once we get fish out of the sea, we need ice and cooling containers to keep them fresh.
“The lack of a reliable shipping service results in the loss of a lot of fish. We had to get rid of some while waiting for the ship.”
Fozeye, from Wareo in the Kâte local level government of Finschhafen, is married to a woman from Malai Island in Siassi.
He has been a fisherman there for the past 15 years.