Sin leading to downfall of nation


DO you see any of these in your member of parliament?
I am yet to see one who has not … for every men has sinned, falling short of the glory.
But, when politicians rule in sin and fall short of performing their mandated duties, the voters suffer.
When can we all slow down and take stock of ourselves?
People already know and see that we are dangerously close to falling off the cliff as a nation.
It is scarier than most can realise or hoodwinked into believing.
Pride: Pride is the deepest type of rebellion and the sin at the root of all other sins. When we are proud we make ourselves more important than others.
In the political arena, our pride manifests itself in our well-honed ability to spot the sins of people on the other side of the aisle, contrasted with our inability or unwillingness to see our own sins or the sins of our chosen political tribe.
When confronted with the wrongs or weaknesses in ourselves or our political tribe, we change the subject or shift the blame. We are saints, everyone else is wrong.
Greed: Greed is the vice that causes us to value things created. When we are greedy, we try to accumulate more “stuff” for ourselves, thinking that “shiny things” such as wealth or power will help us deal with the disappointments and sadness of our broken world.
In the political realm, we manifest greed when we engage in politics not for the common good but for our own enrichment. That often leads us to sin in other ways, such as cheating, lying, colluding, and becoming obnoxious bullies determined to score political points.
A greedy politician is one whose goal is not to help our nation but to appear that he is helping our nation while he is really only helping himself. A greedy policy wonk is one who wants a job as a think tank, but doesn’t really care about the people and policies that are supposed to help. Hello, read the papers, I can’t stress this enough.
Envy: Envy is sorrow occasioned by another person’s happiness. Envy wishes to push the other person off the path of success or happiness. It is lethal to joy because gratitude is the root of joy, and envy refuses to be grateful.
An envious society is one that allows for, and even encourages, its citizens to resent those who are more successful than them. It is a society whose members imagine themselves entitled to every success and every good thing.
In politics, envy causes politicians, opinion writers, and party members to cringe at the success of others. It causes talk show hosts, opinion writers, and everyday citizens to slander and degrade decent people on the other side of the aisle, even while defending badness on our own side of the aisle. This is typical of PNG politicians. Jealousy is a norm in the richest black nation
Wrath: Wrath is ill-motivated and misdirected anger. Not all anger is bad. But unrighteous anger leads to hatred.
It is self-righteous and judgmental, focusing on the other person’s sin to the exclusion of one’s own. A society characterised by wrath is one that, for example, wages wars of vengeance without recourse to principles of justice. Similarly, a wrathful society is one whose public discourse is pervasively uncivil, whose citizens treat one another with disdain and disrespect.
A wrathful society is one whose citizens – including its Christian citizens – express uninhibited rage in their Facebook updates, Twitter conversations, website comments and email forwards.
Just log into any PNG webpage and this will glare in your eyes. We spit out garbage anytime we feel to without the need to account.
Sloth: Sloth is spiritual apathy. It undercuts our desire for The Author of Life and our interest in him. Ironically, sloth often causes us to engage in frenzied activity, primarily as a distraction from our spiritual emptiness. A slothful society does not create space for silence and solitude, because its members are terrified that upon resting, they would find that the hole it their heart is so gaping.
A slothful society is one whose citizens engage in frenzied political activism, thinking that its activism will save the nation and fill the gaping hole in its collective spiritual heart. We see this in our dailies and social networks every day.
Lust: Lust is the desire to exercise one’s sexual passion with a person other than one’s spouse. It commandeers the heart and the mind, driving our blind eyes down the path of death. A lustful society makes sexual pleasure its ultimate freedom and its functional saviour. Its citizens not only sin brazenly, but applaud others when they do the same.
Sadly we see this every day in our cities and communities in PNG
Gluttony: Gluttony is the inordinate and indiscrete enjoyment of bodily things. Medieval theologians noted that gluttony is revealed when we enjoy bodily things hastily, sumptuously (demanding expensive food), excessively (consuming more than one need), greedily (I get what I want), and daintily (my meal must be prepared perfectly). Just go to any restaurant in Pom and observe how customers react when served with food that is not to their expectation.
Note: Article is only meant for educational purposes.

Banang Village – Bogia, Madang