Sir Peter raises concern on Covid-19 preventive measures


MADANG Tourist Industry Association (MTIA) interim chairman Sir Peter Barter has expressed concern regarding preventive measures, testing, quarantine and isolation of people in the province who test positive for the coronavirus.
The MTIA represents hotels, tour operators and airlines operating in Madang.
He made the remarks at a meeting last Wednesday with the provincial Covid-19 team.
The purpose of the meeting was to be updated on the province’s progress on setting up facilities handle the Covid-19 cases in Madang.
Sir Peter said the purpose of the newly formed MTIA was to promote and develop tourism in the province in partnership with the provincial government which, to date, failed to adequately financially support tourism and cultural heritage in Madang.
He said that after five months, preventative work had been largely successful due to the work carried primarily by a group called MAM, funded by the private sector, and, more recently, by World Vision and the national government.
While there had been talk about constructing a quarantine and isolation centre nothing has been done.
“In Madang, like other provinces, we have large informal settlements, many without water, no sanitation living in close contact with each other, villages in remote regions which are difficult to access and, in the event the virus comes in the effect, could place the lives of many people in real danger,” Sir Peter said.
“Social distancing is a major concern in the formal and informal markets, PMV, boats throughout the province were constantly overcrowded and any introduction of the virus could spread very quickly, in fact, so fast it would be difficult to control.”
Given the above scenario, he told the Covid-19 team that the industry wanted to work together with the team and it would be represented on the provincial control board to examine ways in which they could assist, as an example, examine the possibility of converting a hotel or motel into an isolation centre which could save millions rather than using a hired marquee and fitting it out to serve its purpose.
Another suggestion made was to set up the isolation and the Covid-19 operational centre at Bates Oval close to the centre of the town or even perhaps using the land adjacent to the Madang Visitors and Cultural Bureau (MV&CB) which was already fenced and the two residences owned by the MV&CB could be converted to serve as the control centre.