So sorry, it’s not here yet

Letters, Normal

I AM 11 years old and I attend the Coronation Primary School.
On Monday (Aug 2), while on my way to school, two words – “It’s here” – on the front page of Post-Courier caught my eyes and I begged my dad to buy one copy so I could see what it was.
Normally, my dad would buy The National but there was no National that day.
As such, my dad reluctantly bought the Post-Courier.
When I read the paper, I found out that it was the announcement of their new look.
As an NRL fan, I excitedly flipped the paper to the back page for the results.
My excitement turned to anger because the NRL results they published was one week too old.
I am angry because according to their story, Post-Courier said that the new look was the result of an eight-month work by an all Papua New Guinean team of journalists and the management wanted to give the paper a fresh look with the new design concept and improved content. 
Well, I don’t feel “it’s there” yet. 
Try again for another eight more months and make sure you publish the right results.


Son of National buyer
Port Moresby