Spend on something beneficial

Letters, Normal

The National, Friday November 8th, 2013

 IT takes efforts, time and millions of kina to send the best to represent the seven million people back in Papua New Guniea and yet the result in the rugby World Cup is not that pleasing at all.

If PNG Kumuls won one of their pool matches that would be great at least they gave their best but unfortunately our team lost two straight matches.

What happen?

What is the use, year after year government, private and other sponsors spend millions of kina on a sport that does not provide results instead of spending that money on health care, roads and other infrastructures that are run down in remote areas including major towns and cities in Papua New Guinea?

Yes we may boast of rugby as our national sport but the results gave a different story altogether. 

It is about time now to re-focus our aim on something worth spending money and something that majority will benefit from in the long run.


Fa’e@reds, Via meail