Spot fines for traffic offences enforced

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ANY driver breaking traffic rules over the festive season may have to pay a spot-fine, says 4-Mile traffic police chief Philip Koliadi, pictured,.
He told The National that any traffic offence would be subjected to either a spot-fine or referred to police stations to pay.
“Roadblocks will be everywhere in the three electorates in Port Moresby and my advice to the public and motorists,don’t drive if you drink, don’t drive an unregistered or unroadworthy vehicle or without licence,” Koliadi said.
He said if they were caught at roadblocks, they might not be attending Christmas celebrations.
“Police will be issuing traffic infringement notice to drivers to pay spot fines for minor offences, or be taken to the stations to be dealt with if they did not adhere to the law,” Koliadi said.
He urged the motorists to also make sure they collected a receipt when they were fined.