State pays fees to schools

Main Stories
Jimmy Uguro

SCHOOLS can expect in their bank accounts on Monday the Government’s component of school fees for the first quarter, says Education Minister Jimmy Uguro.
He said the Treasury Department yesterday paid out K122 million to schools.
Uguro said the Government tuition fee subsidy policy for this academic year would be around K486 million. The government tuition fee subsidy policy is to share the burden of school fees with parents.
It was the same amount allocated last year by the Government.
The policy has two components: a school operations and functional grant component of K389 million (80 per cent) and a commodity component of K97 million (20 per cent).
The Government’s contribution makes up 62 per cent of the total national education board maximum school fee costs. Parents will pay 37 per cent.
The remaining 1 per cent is to subsidise the flexible and open distance education (Fode).
He urged parents to do their part in preparing their children for the school year.
Uguro reminded schools not to send students home if their parents could not pay their fees at the start of school. Schools are allowed to collect project fees but must follow stringent approval guidelines.
Provincial education boards will set and approve the fees, but must not be above the maximum limit:

  • elementary – K5;
  • Primary – K7; and,
  • High/secondary and vocational – K10.


  • In Milne Bay Province one of the the secondary high schools is charging parents K200 in project fees, can the National Government Education department look in to this please?
    Some of the schools are defying the National Education Department approved fees.

  • We are happy with this fees paid by the Government, but back to the schools the Head masters and Principles demanding extra fees .
    We urge the PEB to look into this behaviour before students are sent back home looking for this fees.

  • The National Government Should set a standard School fee for Urban and Rural Schools in relation to the 37% parental component. We do not want the PEB or the Schools Governing Board to decide on the Extra project Fees
    which most of the time is exorbitant.

  • How about the machinery ( teachers). Should they be paid according to their levels and qualification? Their entitlements are deprived
    All the expense by Government will be a waste because the expense the machines are not cared for well. Ta.

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