Stop colleges from doing selections


THE education system has been compromised by teachers colleges nationwide.
The highest education level in Papua New Guinea is grade 12 after being filtered through grade 8 and 10.
Students fill the school leaver forms for colleges and universities of their interest based on merit from their grade 12 academic performance.
Principals of colleges select students who applied to the colleges.
If the selection process is monitored strictly there would be no alterations.
The colleges are doing their own selections apart from the selection done at Waigani by the Department of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology (DHERST).
They are selecting students who graduated some years earlier and could not make it to colleges.
These are grade 12 drop-outs.
This second-chance student are the ones in which colleges are enrolling in the pretext of private sponsor or corporate sponsored students.
They cannot write and speak fluent English.
They can’t even do simple calculations in maths and do simple classification in science.
The buck stops there.
Follow national selection criteria and DHERST selections.
Colleges are for the purpose of training teachers, nurses and other trade works.
Colleges are not selection institutes who should do selections of new intakes.
In doing so they are compromising standard.
The secretary for education is aware.
He should write a department circular to all college to stop selecting students randomly. This will stop all inconveniences faced.

Concerned Academic,

One thought on “Stop colleges from doing selections

  • There is no space in higher learning institution as such you call them drop outs, build more universities and technical colleges and accommodate everyone, in Australia and New Zealand there is no such thing as no space, if there is no space they build new institution to accommodate everyone and any space available is given to international students, na lo PNG nogat space but we still reserve space for other students from the Pacific, build more universities and technical colleges, whats all this no space nonsense in PNG, the Government did not build any new universities and technical colleges since the two UNI were set up in Lae and Port Moresby, hamas pla university of technology PNG gat, na hamas pla medical school na hamas pla technical college, nogat true so space bai problem olsem na stap, parents can complain that their child is getting good grades but SPACE where?? and they become drop outs and every year we have school leavers that add onto the current number.

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