Stop compo, let law rule


THE practice of demanding and paying compensations have derailed certain segments of Papua New Guinean societies from peace and order.
It has contributed to ongoing lawlessness and all forms of brutalities ranging from rape, torture, murder, domestic violence and other violent crimes.
These crimes have gone to the extent that their seriousness have lost the kind of humanitarian and lawful attention warranted.
These crimes are seen as normal.
This trend is absolutely frightening.
Compensation payments have overshadowed and suppressed the importance of the rule of law in the sense that offenders can escape penalties of the crimes they commit. Papua New Guinea is confronted with this evil at the moment.
Leaders, elites and the other citizens should unite to address the ramifications of compensation payments on society.
This problem should not be left to the police alone.
The root of the problem is deeply entrenched in our tribal societies and needs a government-led holistic approach to uproot and transform people’s mindsets.
It is not an overnight task.
The police have encountered difficulties in prosecuting offenders of violent crimes after compensations were paid.
Even the victims find it difficult to assist the police with their investigations for the fear of punishments and further retaliations from their own family and tribe members.
This indicates that certain segments of our society are sick, they love to live on blood money and mony made from evil doings without realising the impacts of accepting dirty money .
Waiting for compensation payments for prolonged periods is not from God.
God’s requirement is that before the sun sets, the arguments, differences and heartaches have to be settled and forgiven.
Jesus Christ compensated mankind’s sin on the cross of Calvary with His death and blood, and not with money, pigs, cattle and food as tribal groups in Papua New Guinea are doing.
The State should allocate special powers to the police to question and arrest tribal groups that congregate in city parks and recreational sites to discuss compensation payments.
In Port Moresby, the National Capital District Commission should set strict rules to put a stop to tribes and crowds that gather at the parks and other public recreational areas to discuss compensation payments.
Such gatherings frighten other city dwellers and visitors.
These are peculiar sights not seen in other city parks in the countries within our region where you have two opposite factions publicly ironing out their differences in a manner that does not reflect peace and the purpose of the location.
The practice of compensation payment is outdated and belongs to Stone Age societies.
It is a stumbling block to the modern and lawful ways of addressing crime and other social problems faced by the modern society.
The court system that uses compensation payments as a mitigating evidence in their rulings against the offenders should stop.
Even if the compensations were paid, the offenders should face the full brunt of the law.
Compensation payments should not be taken on board to make the defendants feel as if they stand a chance of escaping the consequences of their actions.
To reduce serious crimes in the country, the Constitutional and Law Reform Commission needs to re-look at the seriousness and ramifications of compensation payments in PNG and address these by introducing new changes and making necessary amendments to the existing PNG laws.
A nationwide consultation on the issue needs to be done to seek public views on the issue so that appropriate changes can be made in law as well as in policy.
This is a matter a new government formed after the general election should give prominence to by addressing it appropriately.

Emmanuel Allen Mungu,
Son of Finschaffen,