Students excited to return to school


The 2019 academic year started last Monday with students all excited to return to school after holidays.
Bavaroko Primary School in the nation’s capital was filled with parents who come to register their children.
Agnes Samuel, who brought her twins Newman and Japheth for registration, said they were really excited to start school.
The brothers will do prep this year.
Japheth said he was happy to be in school.
Another parent, Joe Gawi, said his daughter Jessica was really excited to come to school.
“Jessica woke up at 4am and by 5am she was already in her school uniform,”he said.
“Normally we travel around the city on PMV, but this is a special day for Jessica so we took a taxi.”
Gawi, who is a police officer, said he made the right decision to send his daughter to a public school because of the government’s free education policy.
“I will only pay the project fee,” Gawi said.
Most parents bought the Bavaroko school uniforms at Tango, costing K40 for the lower primaries and K60 for upper primaries.
A parent said the school has told them to buy stationery for their children because the school would not issue any to students.