Students in Ialibu-Pagia struggle to study without electricity


Students in Ialibu-Pangia, Southern Highlands, continue to struggle to study using lamps, torches and sometimes the light from fires as only 25 per cent of the district has access to electricity.
Ialibu PNG Power team leader Simpson Kuliz said they were ready to roll out rural electrification in the district to help improve lives of the people, especially students who needed electricity to study but needed funding.
“In the district there has been only one rural electrification project and that was in Kauwo village, in Pangia,” Kuliz said.
“As for the rest if the district, they are still using lamps and torches.”
Kuliz said they had already approached the district development authority and discussed rural electrification, however, there was no commitment made for possible funding of the rural electricity programme.
“Its not us, we are ready to roll out, but the district authority or the local MP has to fund us to roll out,” he said.
District administrator Samson Wereh did not comment on the rural electrification project. He said it was the administration policy to not to speak to the media.