Students present research projects at mathematics, computer science symposium


FOURTY-one final year students presented their research projects at the Divine Word University information systems and mathematics and computing science symposium last Friday.
The theme was “Transformation through collaborative learning and knowledge creation in the global network of mathematics and informatics in the digital age”.
The projects were based on issues identified by the students in mathematics, computing science and information system while engaged with government organisations, non-government organisations and institutions.
Samuel Yapir, a final year Bachelor of Information Systems Management student, presented his project titled “Leave fare management system for New Ireland province”.
Yapir worked during the holiday with the New Ireland Education Division where teachers were complaining about how their leave fare was not handled accurately, costing time and money, especially those in remote areas, to travel to town and back.
The system he developed would enable staff at the provincial education office to enter information into the database which will see teachers in remote islands of New Ireland follow up on the progress of the leave fare processing via an android mobile phone. He urged the provincial education division to use the system.