Sugu Valley hopeful for new road project


THE people of Sugu Valley in Kagua-Erave, Southern Highlands, are excited with the Gulf-Southern Highlands road project that will be undertaken by Civpac Construction through the Works Department.
Civpac Construction is not only building the missing link road from Sambirigi to Erave but the upgrading and sealing of the road from Tulure, Kagua to Erave.
The people of Sugu valley were displaced after the tribal fight in 2019.
Many lives and properties were lost.
I am concerned that some issues with tribal fights might disturb the project.
However, in order to manage any grievances from parties, I have come up with a strategy to invite all conflicting clan leaders to come together to start a business arm under CAT Guard Security Services where it can manage the interests of the landowners.
We could provide the contractor and the Works Department with security personnel, community affairs officers, mediation officers and local labour.
Many leaders say such development will benefit the people and can bring unity and peace.
The people have suffered. I appeal to Civpac management and Works secretary to consider this.
I appeal to the people from Tulure in Kagua and Erave to bring their grievances to appropriate people and allow the project to proceed without delay and disturbances.

Ken Rimbu,
Leader’s Rep