Take heed of warnings


AS a nation, we have displayed utmost carelessness in obeying the Government and the World Health Organisation’s call to take precautionary measures during the lockdown.
Our favourite nuts market is still overcrowded.
Shops are packed with loiters and the whole tribe from home.
Parents are taking their children from the age of one to 10 to the shop and ignoring the consequences supposedly there is an outbreak.
We lack capacity at our hospitals and imagine those persons of interest are not taking responsibility in having compulsory tests done, 14 days have lapsed.
Companies operating at this time are filling their labour runs beyond capacity.
It is frightening and sad to notice these scenarios especially when jobs are becoming scarce and the thought of job security, employees have no choice by the look of it.
It is shameful for these business houses to play ignorant to the Government’s call.
Tackling the virus and managing it is everybody’s responsibility.
We all play an important role in following simple rules as parents and citizens.
It is also a good example for others and our children to display some degree of responsibility in saving our own lives and others.
I suggest the favourite nuts be regulated and sold only at shops in packages.
This will reduce health and traffic hazard experienced currently around Hanubada.
Cut down on black market and allow farmers to put food on the table for the case of those who depend solely on its sales.
The pandemic was never anticipated.
There are evidence around the world where parents have passed on leaving children orphans.
If you love and care for your children, take the hard-line.
Can the SOE controller set up road blocks to manage over crowded company labour runs?
Have these companies penalised for negligence and compromising the health and safety of its employees by failing to comply with the Government’s call in the fight.
Yes, we all believe that we are protected by God’s Grace but let’s not be complacent.
